Contempt: Enforcement Of Court Orders
Even when people do not agree with a judge’s order, the majority of people will follow through on their legal obligations. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If a party in your case has not paid child or spousal support payments, is interfering with your parenting time, has failed to transfer property ordered in a divorce judgment or is otherwise disobeying your court order, you have legal options to enforce the court order.
At Lyne Ranson Law Offices, PLLC, our attorneys will help protect your rights and will work to enforce court orders in family law cases throughout West Virginia. Our Charleston contempt attorneys are dedicated to finding solutions to ensure that the legal rights and obligations in a divorce case are honored and followed.
Defense Against Contempt Actions
If you are accused of violating a court order, you are at risk of being sanctioned and facing the full contempt power of the family court. You need an experienced attorney to evaluate your case and present any valid defenses on your behalf. For instance, sometimes a party is not intentionally disobeying a court’s order, but simply does not have the financial ability to comply or is acting to protect a child’s welfare.
Contempt Actions Attorneys
When a party to a lawsuit disagrees with a decision made by a judge, he or she has the ability to seek a modification or appeal the decision. Choosing not to abide by the decision can result in civil and criminal contempt proceedings. In order to enforce the terms of an order that is being violated, our experienced West Virginia family law attorneys can discuss your situation and help determine if filing a contempt petition is the best legal action in your case.
A contempt petition is the legal tool used to ask a court to force another person to obey the order. Some cases where it may be necessary to file a contempt petition include:
- Not following the schedule and terms of a court-ordered child custody, parenting plan or visitation schedule
- Failing to pay child support or alimony (spousal support)
- Failing to make payments ordered by the court to distribute marital property
- Failing to sign documentation to transfer property or refinance a marital debt as ordered by the Court
If you are frustrated that your ex-spouse is not following a court order and want more information on how to enforce your rights, our dedicated and compassionate legal team can work with you to find a solution and ensure your voice is heard. We also represent individuals who have been accused of not following a court order and who are facing contempt proceedings, including child support enforcement actions.
Flexible appointment schedules
To learn how we can effectively protect your rights in divorce and other family disputes, contact our West Virginia family law attorneys at Lyne Ranson Law Office.